Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I've been trying to take in the whole of Mongolia and am finding a considerable amount of surprises. Boredom has not happened as of yet and I don't expect it will happen anytime soon.

I am amused daily by the unexpected. Mostly by the amount of saliva and vomit I see on our walk to and from the market. Eww, is all I can say. While I'm play "don't step on any spit or you'll fall and break your mama's wrist. Amy's solution is to look straight ahead. I'm chasing her down half the time and always manage to get stuck in the crowd. Trust me you don't want to do that here. These people have no clue about letting someone go first every once in while. It's all me, me, me.

The drivers as you know from previous Facebook posts are horrible. They do not give a shit about you losing a leg or two. It's first come first served at any intersection or crosswalk. Person vs car, how fair is that???!

Anyway Amy and I went to get registered as foreigners at some neighborhood association. We go in and the space behind the counter was quite spacious by my calculations. The space for people registering, uh can we say minute. So can you picture Amy, Mandal our landlord, myself ,two other people and a stream of others still coming in a 3'x5' space. Also did I mention people don't wait for their turns and boundaries, well they don't seem to exist. The lady behind me just cuddled up to me the entire ten minutes. When we were done Amy and Mandal rush out and the other folks rush up to the counter leaving me stuck behind the door which could not be opened because of people inside. So a game of human Tetris had to be played so I can make my exit and it was not graceful and they all laughed. Although I think they were laughing with me.

We have found a Cuban restuarant (run by a Cuban man. Ha! And the most shocking of all discoveries. There is a small Latino community in Mongolia! What??!!

1 comment:

  1. What a fascinating place! I'm loving reading what you write and post about it. Somehow I'm not imagining it being quite -31 degrees in those pictures, though!
